“I believe in the beauty that comes from within, a healthy mouth can have such a great impact on social interaction, positive self-image and overall body health. A healthy smile is a beautiful smile!
My passion is in prevention, helping you improve your oral health and sense of well-being since improving the health of your mouth can have a positive effect on general health as well. Based on our current knowledge, prevention both at tooth and tooth support levels is possible and should be our priority and ultimate goal towards a healthier mouth/body and long-lasting dentition.
Everyone expects to keep their teeth for life these days, therefore good health of the supporting tissues of the teeth is so important – this is my role, to help you understand the issues involved, overcome them and achieve a stable outcome, a cleaner and healthier mouth for life! It is such a great feeling to achieve together a high level of oral health and then maintain that indefinitely and remain stable over the years!
Clean teeth – Healthy gums – Fresh breath – Improved body health:
a few things to smile about!!”
Smile enhancement after removal of soft tissue lump, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta.
Root coverage of upper canine, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta
Root coverage of lower central incisors, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta
Gingival (gum) augmentation of a lower incisor, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta
Root Coverage of lower canine, case by Dr Stella Kourkouta
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