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Helping Bruxism: Mouth Guards vs Masseter Botox

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4th May 2023

Helping Bruxism: Mouth Guards vs Masseter Botox

Are you concerned you have bruxism – the medical term for teeth grinding? Do you constantly find yourself clenching your jaw? Is your teeth grinding keeping you up at night or causing side effects jaw pain and headaches? Then it’s time to get your condition under control.

Our Clapham dental practice helps people all around the city take care of their teeth. And with bruxism, the health and appearance of your smile is put at risk. Find out more about the condition, and what treatments we can offer to help, in today’s blog post.


Causes of Teeth Grinding


There are many reasons people clench or grind their teeth. Sometimes, stressful life events can be the cause – including weddings, bereavements, moving house or moving jobs. In other cases, it’s just a bad habit that sticks. And in others, genetics plays a role – so if your parents or siblings grind their teeth, you might, too. Unfortunately, medicines, drugs and both caffeine and alcohol can also play a part, so lifestyle factors could be impacting the condition.


Bruxism and Your Smile


If you’re concerned bruxism is affecting your smile, it’s good to know what to look out for. You might notice signs of damage, including:

  • Cracks and fractures
  • Flattening of the tooth edges
  • Dents and chips
  • Loose teeth, or even tooth loss


Teeth grinding can lead to other concerns. You might have headaches, pain in areas of the face, head, ears, neck and jaw, and a generally tense or tight jaw that may not open or close properly. Finally, sleep can be hugely affected – whether or not you grind your teeth at night.


Treatments for Bruxism: Mouthguards


One treatment that many doctors and dentists talk about is mouthguards. Mouthguards are a great way to protect the teeth from wear and associated pain, as they can prevent you from clenching while asleep. And because they’re made from impressions, you’ll get a custom-made fit. Having said that, if the fit isn’t right, a mouthguard could do more harm than good, potentially causing pain and irritation. And it depends on you remembering to wear one at night – and cleaning it afterwards.


Treatments for Bruxism: Masseter Botox


Another treatment to consider, especially here in Clapham, is masseter Botox. It’s where Botox is injected into your jaw to limit the movement of the muscles. This can greatly reduce the amount you clench and grind your teeth, preventing future wear. You’ll need to top-up your masseter Botox every 4 months or so to prolong the effects. Some dentists even recommend a combination of mouthguards and masseter Botox for best results.


Booking a Consultation

Want to stop grinding and clenching your teeth for good? Then get in touch. Our Clapham dentists can help you manage the condition and create a smile that’s healthy and comfortable for the future.

Book with our Clapham dental practice