4th August 2023 By: admin
What are Dental Implants? As the years roll by, our teeth inevitably face the consequences of wear and tear, sometimes leading to tooth loss. While this can be a daunting experience, modern dentistry offers various solutions, and one of the most effectiveRead More
15th June 2018 By: admin
Dental implants weren’t always the careful, precise, and reliable treatment options they are today. Through a long journey of research, investigation, and scrupulous clinical trials, the modern dental implant is safe, strong, and full of cosmetic benefits. However, before these rigorous investigations,Read More
9th March 2017 By: admin
Before tooth implants, the only solution to tooth loss was to have a traditional denture fitted. This would be clipped into the mouth, rest on your gums, or bonded to adjacent teeth. Traditional dentures would give you replacement teeth and improve theRead More